Thursday, September 13, 2007

2011 Committees

The Monroe Art Guild is comprised of nine functional committees. Each committee is chaired by a Board Member and supported by valued Members of our organization. If you are interested in sharing your time and talent, please contact one or more committee chairpersons or Director, Bryan Hardman. We appreciate your support!

Membership Committee: Co-Chairs- Steve Brown / Larry Bradley

Fundraising Committee: Co-Chairs- Tommy Aycock / vacant

Gallery Committee: Co-Chairs- Bobbie Austin / Sue Grilli

Education Committee: Co-Chairs- vacant

Publicity Committee: vacant

Building & Grounds Committee: Chair- John Lucas

Special Events Committee: Co-Chairs- Jane Barbee / Leslie Moody

---Art Talk Committee: Chair- Jane Barbee
---Art Market Committee: Leslie Moody
---Garden Tour Committee: vacant
---Silent Auction Committee: Chair- Jane Pannell
---Tour of Homes Committee: Chair- Adam Crawley
---Yard Sale Committee: Chair- Jane Pannell

Hosting Committee: Julie Barker

Volunteer Committee: Richard Sells